Nominal Hero: With the exception of Eleanor and (to an extent) Laphicet, all of the characters have entirely selfish motives to fight against the Abbey though Velvet later ends up developing a more selfless one of stopping Innominat from creating a World of Silence.Whereas Vel's kicks are graceful & swift, Eizen relies on powerful haymakers and stomps. Male Might, Female Finesse: Eizen's the Male Might to Velvet's Female Finesse.Hitchhiker Heroes: Velvet was entirely content to go about her quest all by herself, but she lets the party members join her on her way as long as they prove their worth to her and/or don't impede her progress.None of the heroes use a conventional sword, likely to go along with their status as an Anti-Hero Team opposing the villains who seem heroic to the general populace - three of their five members use a sword as their primary weapon. While Rokurou has a sword he uses for his final Mystic Arte and some other abilities, it's not his primary weapon, as he instead makes ample use of daggers. Heroes Prefer Swords: An averted case, actually, which is a rarity for the genre.Gossip Evolution: Their exploits are frequently exaggerated by the NPCs and in some cases, the description of Velvet as the Lord of Calamity gets mixed up with Magilou's description as a witch.Towards the second half of the game, Velvet herself even says "No matter how selfish you are, life's empty without having someone to share it with". In an optional skit, even Eizen admits he was glad to have been able to draw out a map of the oceans with them. However, they genuinely become friends as the game progresses. Most of them initially stick together either out of self-interest or to uphold promises, rather than out of loyalty or camaraderie. Fire-Forged Friends: More so than any previous Tales party.Embarrassing Nickname: In order to get into Loegres the first time, Magilou convinces the guards that the group is a traveling magic show called "Magilou's Menagerie," something that sticks with them (to Velvet's chagrin).
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Magilou was betrayed by her former master Melchior, Laphicet gains his own free will thanks to the party's influence, and Eleanor chose to defy the Abbey after seeing how twisted their ultimate goal was. Defector from Decadence: Magilou, Laphicet, and Eleanor all left positions with the Abbey after being exposed to how the Abbey chooses to operate.Defeat Means Friendship: Velvet has to fight every party member except Magilou at least once before they join.Laphicet picks up on it, becoming more independent as the story goes on. Eizen is the most outspoken about this, but everyone comes to it eventually. Be Yourself: A consensus between everyone in the party, even before they become genuine friends, is to follow one's own path, and decide for yourself how the world makes sense.While her actions are considered treasonous by the Abbey, she's motivated by her moral conviction and her search for the truth. Eleanor is noted by Eizen and Laphicet as being the exception of their group.Velvet is a Byronic Hero, Magilou is cynical and jaded, Eizen's a lifelong pirate, Rokurou is a Blood Knight who turned into a daemon just to gain power, and Laphicet gradually adapts to Velvet and Eizen's influences, due to his growing attachment to them. While they're the good guys in all of this, most of them aren't particularly pleasant people.